Monthly: September 2016


Being Dad

Being Dad: For 40 weeks mum has the opportunity to gradually bond with their baby as the baby grows and kicks (unfortunately usually in the early hours of the night)….

Parents2b blog image


Listeria is a bacterial infection transmitted from eating contaminated foods.  With Australian food standards, Listeria infections are extremely rare.  However, it is important that all pregnant women avoid high risk…


Postnatal Exercise

Being physically active is very important for our health and wellbeing.  This is especially true post pregnancy, though it is important to start off gently and progress slowly.  There have…


Postnatal Depression

Postnatal Depression; one of the most difficult parts? …. Asking for help. For the majority of women, childbirth is the most physical & emotional experience! Parents have mix emotions on…

Breast Feeding

Mastitis update 2023

Earlier this year, the protocol around managing breast inflammation and mastitis had a significant update. As the revised advice filters through, there is lots of outdated information out there….